Cyber Security is applying a technology, process and control mechanisms, in order to protect systems, network, programs, devices and data from cyber-attacks.
Businesses face daily threats from ransomware, malicious code, social engineering, insider malware, disinformation, and data leakage.
The biggest goal of customers is not to have incidents, but to focus on their direct daily activities, and to entrust IT solutions to a reliable partner (whose main activity is security), who would constantly and properly would monitor their IT infrastructure, carry out incident prevention and advise in the field of improving cyber security.
Security service provider is responsible for:
The main security service provider responsibility is Managed Organisation Security Posture insurance.
We know, what we do, cause we use, what we know!
SOC – Security Operations Center – a part of an organization or an external service, that performs continuous monitoring of the organization's devices and network with a the help of the necessary specialists, processes and technologies, in order to prevent cyber threats.
SOC is not just tools and experts. SOC goal is achieved by many people, having different responsibilities – as from SOC, as from internal organisation. At the same time, it is also security maturity level improvement advisor.
SOC is also a function, improving organisations cyber security maturity, with a help of continuous and in place threat prevention, detection, analysis and response to cyber incidents.
Our Mission - is to become a relable partner in cyber security, protecting most precious company's asset - informationa and reputation - by providing security operation services on time, reliably and professionaly.
We do not promise, that with us you will not have incidents. We promise, that if they will occur, we will detect them before damage is done and effectively reponde to them.
Santa Monica Networks SOC service is provided by these principles:
Our service value to Your business security:
SOC's main services include:
According to the need and situation, we also provide the following services:
We provide full SOC service – next generation EDR/XDR technologies and experienced experts.
Our chosen way of working:
Our Goal – to be proactive, not reactive and by all means protect, and remediate when detected.
We focus on four main pillars - protection, detection, investigation and response to threats.
We also provide NOC (Network Operations Center) services in our company. If the Customer chooses NOC and SOC services together, we can offer an even greater level of security - not only to monitor and inform or recommend how to improve the Customer's security, but also to optimize the configurations of the network infrastructure elements accordingly.
In the event of an incident, perhaps more important than the financial consequences is maintaining reputation.
We work together with the best Lithuanian lawyers, creating practice-based incident management processes, and we aim to manage incidents in a timely manner, not only at the technical level, but also in the legal, liability and communication areas.
Technology suppliers - with whom we have many years of experience and exceptional market conditions. We use commercial and open source solutions in the areas of network, end devices, web protection.
Experienced lawyers - providing reliable legal assistance in case of crises.
In our daily activities, we rely on the recommendations of ISO 27000, ISO 14000, ISO 9000 standards.
Interested or want to consult? Get in touch! soc@smnsoc.lt
Esame vieninteliai Palo Alto Networks autorizuoto techninio centro statusą turintys (ASC) partneriai Lietuvoje ir Baltijos šalyse
Santa Monica Networks were the first to receive the Cisco Systems GOLD Local Partner Status (2008)
We were the first in Lithuania to implement the security incident and event management solution for a commercial client (2008)
Specialists of Santa Monica Networks were the first in Lithuania to achieve the highest certification – Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert – CCIE
We were the first in the Baltic States to acquire the highest architectural expert rating – Cisco Certified Design Expert (CCDE)
We were the first to introduce the new generation firewall manufacturer – Palo Alto Networks – to Lithuanian customers
Esame vieninteliai Palo Alto Networks autorizuoto techninio centro statusą turintys (ASC) partneriai Lietuvoje ir Baltijos šalyse
Santa Monica Networks were the first to receive the Cisco Systems GOLD Local Partner Status (2008)
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